A Business Built to Give Back

When Ken Freeman was drafted into the military after college, his hope was to become a pilot.  Unfortunately, his eyesight did not meet the Air Force’s strict requirements to fly so instead, he began a career in hospital administration within the Air Force.

Ken started working for Virginia Mason in 1972. He rose through the ranks to become a Vice President then started two group purchasing organizations — Health Resource Services (HRS) and National Purchasing Partners (NPP). 

Both companies are owned by Virginia Mason and earmark their proceeds to support Team Medicine. HRS and NPP are among our most dedicated corporate partners, and are key sponsors of the Boeing Classic golf tournament. Ken and his staff are seen at many of Virginia Mason’s philanthropic events.

From the Dreambuilders’ Ball to Grapes on the Green, the HRS and NPP teams are filling tables, raising paddles and spreading the word about Virginia Mason’s world-class care.

“A lot of our employees don’t just attend fundraising events for BRI or Bailey-Boushay House, they also volunteer their time to help Virginia Mason,” Ken says. “It shows that these are causes they truly believe in.”

Ken also goes out of his way to introduce his clients to Virginia Mason’s work, which helps expand the pool of new donors.

“We work with a variety of companies, and I’m always inviting them to come to events with me,” Ken says. “It’s a great way for them to learn about Virginia Mason’s amazing work, and a lot of them are so inspired that they make donations at the events and go on to become long-time supporters.”

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The Virginia Mason Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation